In an article written by Carlotta Gall on the website of The New York Times newspaper on January 2, 2019 and reported in some foreign and local media outlets, it was claimed that “the number of Turks who emigrated from Türkiye in 2017 was over a quarter of a million”, citing data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI).
However, a review of the publicly available TSI data reveals that Turkish citizens who emigrated from Türkiye in 2017 was not over a quarter of a million, as claimed in the article, but rather 113,326 people.
This number is less than half of what is claimed. However, the number of Turkish citizens migrating to Türkiye from abroad is 101,772 and net migration abroad is 11,554.
The quarter of a million mentioned in The New York Times article refers to the total number of Turkish citizens and foreign nationals who migrated abroad, not the number of only Turkish citizens who migrated abroad. It does not include Turkish citizens and foreign nationals who migrated to Türkiye. The data can be found on the website of the TSI. We hope that The New York Times will immediately correct this factual error and that similar organizations will use accurate data for objective and more careful reporting.
Respectfully announced to the public.