The National Talent Fairs, organized since 2019 under the coordination of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office and designed to create a strong bridge between young talents and the business world, will begin once again in Bolu on December 16, 2024, with a new concept.
The fairs aim to provide equal opportunities for students and alumni in accessing career opportunities based on their competencies. A wide range of activities will be organized by participating institutions and organizations, including job and internship interviews, case studies, informational sessions on career opportunities, and workshops.
Thousands of Employers and Hundreds of Thousands of Young People Unite at the City's Largest Event
The National Talent Fairs are among the largest events held in the cities where they take place. In addition to the 13 host universities, 123 partner universities will also support the fairs, which will see the participation of public and private sector organizations, professional chambers, industry representatives, and SMEs.
Having been successfully organized for five years, the The National Talent Fairs have brought together over 1 million university students and alumni with more than 10,000 employers from both public and private sectors. In the upcoming period, the fairs will be held across 13 different regions. The first fair will take place in Bolu, followed by Adana, Şanlıurfa, Çanakkale, Konya, Antalya, Manisa, Van, Samsun, Erzurum, Giresun, and Malatya, with the final event scheduled to be held in Kocaeli.
At these events, employers of all sizes seeking qualified human resources will have the opportunity to directly meet with young talents. Participants will be able to engage one-on-one with industry experts and managers, define their career goals, and benefit from the experiences of national and international achievers, gaining valuable insights to guide their career journeys.
Vocational Education and Employment (VEE) Activities to Be Held for the First Time This Year
In order to support students in the transition period of making vocational choices in secondary education and to assist them in gaining professional awareness while exploring career opportunities, special sessions will be held for the first time within the scope of the National Talent Fairs this year.
As part of the Vocational Education and Employment (VEE) Action Plan prepared by the VEE Working Group established under the coordination of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office, activities such as panels, discussions, and workshops focused on the transition from education to employment will be organized for senior year secondary school students in the cities where the events are taking place. Additionally, technical visits and job/internship opportunities will be offered.
In this context, the first event, the "Vocational Education to Employment" panel series, will be held at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. The goal is to support students' transition from vocational education to employment, thereby contributing to their individual development while also supporting regional development.
Events to Be Held Within the Scope of the Early Stage Career Ecosystem (ESCE)
The Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office has developed the Early Stage Career Ecosystem (ESCE) model, which brings together secondary education, higher education, and employment processes under an inclusive, transparent, and equal opportunity-based talent management approach. The ESCE model encompasses the LİSE-VERİ, ÜNİ-VERİ, and Career Counselling Information System (CCIS) projects, facilitating the early identification and effective guidance of talent.
As part of the fairs, special training programs will be organized for psychological counselors, guidance teachers, and career and vocational consultants. These programs will focus on the ESCE model and its application in the career guidance processes for students in transition periods, particularly those making vocational choices. The aim is to enhance the effectiveness of talent guidance and development processes.
The National Talent Fairs Draws Attention with Renewed Logo
The renewed logo of the National Talent Fairs has been redesigned with an innovative approach that reflects the event's mission of bringing together young talents. Inspired by the concepts of "unique, first, and singular, the logo highlights the individuality of each young talent while representing a common platform where talents converge.
Applications for the fairs are made through the e-insan mobile application developed by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office and the Talent Gate website ( Young people who intend to participate in job and internship interviews, as well as special events, are required to complete their applications through the designated system.
For more information, please visit or follow the official social media accounts @tccbiko and @yetenekheryerde
Respectfully announced to the public.