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The Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Human Resources Office is now transforming the process of certifying public employees' knowledge, skills and competencies by utilizing blockchain technology. Certificates obtained through the Distance Learning Gate, an artificial intelligence-based digital learning platform, can be verified from reliable sources worldwide. Thanks to this, Türkiye is taking another important step towards becoming the talent base of the new century.

Mobile Access in Employee Training

Since its launch in 2020, nearly 3 million civil servants from 1,596 public institutions have received at least one training. The Distance Learning Gate, which has exceeded 500 million views, has become one of the leading platforms in employee training. The platform, which has been repeatedly referred as an example of good practice in reports prepared by international umbrella organizations such as the European Commission and OECD, can also be accessed by public employees via the e-insan mobile application.

E-insan which talent management services from a single source having reached 1 million downloads, has made the learning processes of public employees more flexible and contributed to the spread of lifelong learning culture. With e-insan, which was declared as an innovative practice in terms of inclusiveness and equal opportunities by OECD OPSI, participation in digital training and development activities has more than doubled in the last year.

Verification of More Than 20 Million Certificates via e-Government

As the first step in the transition to blockchain technology in the certification of competencies, more than 20 million certificates offered by the Distance Learning Gate will now be accessible via e-Government in addition to the platform. Verification will be possible through the certificates' QR code and barcode number. This enhancement, which makes the process of certifying the knowledge, skills and competencies of civil servants more reliable and transparent, aims to make Türkiye a pioneer in talent management.

Respectfully announced to the public.

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